from BARDO

The stars are in our belly; the Milky Way our umbilicus.

Is it a consolation that the stuff of which we’re made

is star-stuff too?

– That wherever you go you can never fully disappear –

dispersal only: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen.

Tree, rain, coal, glow-worm, horse, gnat, rock.

Roselle Angwin

Sunday 10 March 2019

poetry & the sacred: interview with me

Honoured to be the first poet chosen to feature in a new series, offered by Christine Valters Paintner, herself a poet and author of several inspiring books, on the Abbey of the Arts website. The connections between poetry and the sacred (whatever you understand that to mean) are important to me. (Thank you, Christine, for inviting me to participate, and for the questions that created my response.)

You can read the interview, and some of my poems, here, should you wish to.


  1. I discovered your poetry and sites through the Abbey of the Arts blog and have been reading your words all week. It is a nice gift. Thank you.

  2. Hello KW! Thank you for your kind words. Always gives me a boost to hear such things, especially when, of course, someone is being touched by, or at least enjoying, my work, and I have no idea!


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